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Select membership level
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Membership level
1. Individual member (zone 1)
- $50.00 (USD)
Subscription period: 1 year
Automatic renewal (recurring payments)
Membership for individuals from zone-1 countries, including:
USA, Canada, Western Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Japan, some Eastern European countries
Please check ‘Membership types and benefits’ for a full list of zone-1 countries.
1. Individual member (zone2)
- $40.00 (USD)
Subscription period: 1 year
Automatic renewal (recurring payments)
Discounted membership for individuals from zone 2 countries, including:
Mexico, South America (except Chile, Uruguay), South Africa, Asia (except Japan, Singapore, South Korea), some of Eastern Europe, some Pacific Island and Caribbean nations.
Please check ‘Membership types and benefits’ for a full list of zone-2 countries.
1. Individual member (zone3)
- $25.00 (USD)
Subscription period: 1 year
Automatic renewal (recurring payments)
Discounted membership for individuals from zone-3 countries, including:
some African, Asian, Pacific Island and Caribbean nations.
Please check ‘Membership types and benefits’ for a full list of zone-3 countries.
2. Enhanced individual
- $133.00 (USD)
Subscription period: 1 year
Automatic renewal (recurring payments)
All benefits of regular membership plus the ability to add the following to your membership listing on PLAIN Membership web page: logo, photo, brief description of work/ advertising slogan
3. Organization member
- $125.00 (USD)
Subscription period: 1 year
Automatic renewal (recurring payments)
4. Enhanced organization member
- $208.00 (USD)
Subscription period: 1 year
Automatic renewal (recurring payments)
All benefits of regular organizational membership plus the ability to add the following to your membership listing on PLAIN Membership web page: logo, photo, brief description of work/ advertising slogan
Tier-1 group
- $150.00 (USD)
Bundle (up to 5 members)
Subscription period: 1 year
Automatic renewal (recurring payments)
Group membership – group manager plus 4 others
All members of the group:
– are entitled to the benefits of an Individual member
– must share a common email domain (eg:
Tier-2 group
- $250.00 (USD)
Bundle (up to 10 members)
Subscription period: 1 year
Automatic renewal (recurring payments)
Group membership – group manager plus 9 others.
All members of the group:
– are entitled to the benefits of an Individual member
– must share a common email domain (eg:
Tier-3 group
- $450.00 (USD)
Bundle (up to 20 members)
Subscription period: 1 year
Automatic renewal (recurring payments)
Group membership – group manager plus 19 others.
All members of the group:
– are entitled to the benefits of an Individual member
– must share a common email domain (eg:
Tier-4 group
- $700.00 (USD)
Bundle (unlimited)
Subscription period: 1 year
Automatic renewal (recurring payments)
Group membership – unlimited membership.
All members of the group:
– are entitled to the benefits of an Individual member
– must share a common email domain (eg: